Birth Pool USA

Which Birth Pool is Right For You?


In the United States alone, more than 4 million babies are born annually. Each new life brings with it excitement and joy, but also a lot of questions. One question that many parents ask is whether or not they should use a birth pool during delivery.

A birth pool is a large tub of warm water which helps you relax while giving birth naturally at home—and it’s gaining popularity in many countries around the world. Whether or not this type of birthing method works for you is completely up to you, but there are some things to consider before making your decision: Do I want to labor in water? Is my partner comfortable delivering our baby while immersed? Does my doctor support my decision? Does insurance cover an inflatable birthing tub (or anything related)?

Having your baby in water at home.

Birth pools are a great way for expectant mothers to experience the comfort of water during their labor and delivery, but there are many choices when it comes to finding the right birth pool.

Before you decide on which type of birth pool is right for you, consider what features they offer and how they can help make your labor more comfortable. You should also take into account how much space you have in your home and whether or not it’s possible to set up an inflatable pool in your bathroom or bedroom. Once you’ve narrowed down which models match some of those criteria, all that’s left is choosing which one feels like home for you!

Here are some tips on choosing a birth pool:

  • Consider the size of the base–the wider surface area will support more weight without sinking too far into the water. The larger size also helps keep cold air from getting trapped underneath where it could cause discomfort during contractions as well as limit movements during delivery (since there’s less room between mother and child). Smaller surfaces may be better suited if space is limited or if mobility needs are greater than usual due to other medical conditions such as arthritis or sciatica pain caused by nerve damage in lower back area due to pregnancy hormones affecting nerves located near spine causing tingling sensations along legs when bending knees upwards towards chest position (such as sitting). Keep in mind that both types provide similar benefits regardless of size so just pick whichever fits best within budget constraints!

Are you planning to deliver naturally? Consider inflatable birthing tubs.

If you’re planning a natural birth and your midwife or doula is on board, consider an inflatable birthing tub. These are easy to store, portable and can be used at home or in the hospital. You may also want to consider buying one as a gift for new parents who are hoping to have their baby in water—they’ll be able to take it with them when they move out of the house!

Another benefit of an inflatable tub is that they’re often used by the midwife or doula during labor and delivery, so you’ll have another person there with medical expertise overseeing your process.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by choices, but review your options thoroughly and consider all the information you have before deciding.

Now that you’ve decided to use a birth pool, the next step is deciding which one is right for you. The first thing to do is gather all of the information about each type of birth pool so that you can compare them and make an informed choice.

This may seem like a tedious process, but it’s important because once you’ve made your decision, there’s no going back—and having more knowledge about what kind of birth experience suits you best will help ensure that your labor goes smoothly and safely.

If you want to use a birth pool, there are many different ones that might be right for you.

If you’d like to use a birth pool, there are many different types that might be right for you. Some people choose to use a birth pool at home while others prefer the hospital or their local birth center. If you’re hoping to give birth in water and have an out-of-hospital midwife or doctor who is supportive of this method, consider using a water birth center instead of your local hospital. There are even some independent midwives who will come to your home and set up everything for you!


We hope this list of considerations helps you choose the right birth pool for your home birth. There are many different types and brands, but if you keep these points in mind, then you’re sure to find one that works for both you and your baby.